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Learning Lounge DEEP DIVE
Introduction to the Learning Lounge
How to use the Learning Lounge
The Learning Lounge MAPS
So How Does Your Voice Work?
So How Does Your Voice Work video (5:47)
Build Your Own Tilting Larynx
Build Your Own Tilting Larynx with template and photos
Build Your Own Larynx - the Silent Movie (4:06)
Vocal fold movements in M1 and M2
Vocal Fold movements in M1 and M2 - hand gestures (7:34)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A February 2025
1 M1 M2 and how we pitch (10:23)
2 Balancing CT and TA to change pitch (6:01)
3 Mythbusting range in M1 and M2 (14:41)
4 Helping the ageing voice (16:03)
5 Finding lighter head voice at F5 (5:50)
6 Tips for working with choirs (2:31)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A January 2025
LLTP Jan25 1 Welcome (1:39)
LLTP Jan25 2 Bonnie question Steamer v Nebuliser (3:54)
LLTP Jan25 3 Carrie Garrett answer re nebulisers (6:00)
LLTP Jan25 4 Caroline question on TA & CT in M1 and M2 (8:35)
LLTP Jan25 5 CT TA and ligament (4:15)
LLTP Jan25 6 Fran question on hard & soft palate (10:42)
LLTP Jan25 7 Denise question breath pressure & flow (8:24)
LLTP Jan25 8 Denise question part 2 (7:03)
LLTP Jan25 9 Caroline question on underbite (7:41)
Learning Lounge & Teacher pathway Q&A November 2024
SOVT liplines, Bringing vocal folds together, different voice weights, back pressure in M2 and more (50:38)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway October 2024
Q&A on moving between M1 and M2, resonance, vowels and the retroflex R (50:45)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A September 2024
Resources (3:43)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway FULL Video (59:56)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A July 2024
LLTPJuly24 Sliding to a note versus note in context (20:27)
LLTPJuly24 Vowel modification (14:50)
LLTPJuly24 Advice for a better M1 mix G4-D5 (10:51)
LLTPJuly24 Singing sharp when engaged (14:08)
Learning Lounge Q&A May 2024
1 Your starter for 10 (3:18)
2 What differentiates genres (10:30)
3 Tongue positions in different languages (6:47)
4 Do you like the genre (5:50)
5 Working with fusion styles (5:02)
6 What to listen for in a new genre (2:38)
7 Working with jazz (6:48)
8 Improvisation lego blocks and cadenzas (3:27)
9 Wrapup and resources to watch (3:29)
Learning Lounge Q&A March 2024
LLQA Mar24 1 Welcome and Range (6:15)
LLQA Mar24 2 Range and comfort zone (16:35)
LLQA Mar24 3 Losing tone when crossing gear change (7:40)
LLQA Mar24 4 Does Size Matter (11:47)
LLQA Mar24 5 Male voice change getting comfortable (7:02)
LLQA Mar24 6 Does pitch direction matter? (10:09)
Learning Lounge Q&A February 2024
LLQAFeb 1 Welcome and groundrules (1:33)
LLQAFeb 2 Anna Question on Bulking the Vocalis (10:30)
LLQAFeb 3 Linda Question SOVT (5:46)
LLQAFeb 4 Liz Question Referral to vocal physio (6:28)
LLQAFeb 5 Liz Question Singing notes below E4 (8:40)
LLQAFeb 6 Liz Question on finding vibrato (10:21)
Learning Lounge Q&A January 2024
LLQA Jan24 1 Welcome and how we roll (2:45)
LLQA Jan24 2 Caroline - Head Voice 1 & 2 (3:58)
LLQA Jan24 3 Register mechanisms & M numbers (4:09)
LLQA Jan24 4 Jeremy demos registers in God On High (3:53)
LLQA Jan24 5 Caroline - Second passaggio (1:03)
LLQA Jan24 6 Alison - Inaccessible tight chest voice (6:19)
LLQA Jan24 7 Using creak to find M1 (4:35)
LLQA Jan24 8 Liz - airflow and pressure (4:46)
LLQA_Jan24_13_Jeremy_demos_vowels_v_vocal_tract_shaping (6:05)
LLQA Jan24 9 Monia - sustaining clear sound in M2 (7:16)
LLQA Jan24 10 M2 Adduction & the uvula (1:27)
LLQA_Jan24_14_Liz_-_exercises_for_people_working_too_hard (5:02)
LLQA Jan24 11 Martine - PTP & vowel shapes (6:08)
LLQA Jan24 12 Interconnecting air spaces & mass (1:38)
LLQA Jan24 15 Liz - getting students to practise (3:37)
Learning Lounge Q&A December 2023
Question1 - Bubble size in SOVT from Ashley (13:00)
Question 2 - Removing the straw - from Monia (8:32)
Question 3 Offsets on Fly (belt) and Try (legit) from Hannah (11:33)
Question 4 Job interview and fun from Anonymous (11:28)
Roundup and future questions (4:17)
Mastering Musical Theatre
MMT 1 Introduction (0:44)
MMT 2 In a Nutshell - MT Overview (4:01)
MMT 3 Origins (2:08)
MMT 4 Genre (8:31)
MMT 5 Musical Style Envelopes, Excerpts (5:51)
MMT 6 Musical Style Envelopes, Audience Thoughts (9:47)
MMT 7 This Nearly Was Mine Workshop (13:18)
MMT 8 See I'm Smiling Workshop (14:45)
MMT 9 I Didn't Plan It Workshop (20:03)
MMT 10 Masterclass 1 (16:52)
11 - Questions and Demo from GK (8:54)
12 - Masterclass 2 (21:28)
13 - Industry Sounds Intro (2:26)
14a - Loving You, Shaping (5:32)
14b - Loving You, What Do You Hear_ (6:53)
14c - Loving You, Flow (3:05)
14d - Loving You, Diction (5:12)
14e - Loving You, Tone Colour (6:19)
15a - Run Away With Me, Vocal Setup (9:19)
15b - Run Away With Me, ModalVSFalsetto (6:43)
16a - Burn Masterclass (21:08)
16b - Burn Masterclass, Higher Range Modal (9:52)
17 - Dancers, Pumping & 'Support' (4:59)
18 - MT Casting (1:16)
19 - Voice Quality & Range (1:42)
20 - Industry Sounds (2:48)
21 - Use of Voice (Summary) (1:17)
Completion and CPD Certificate
Mastering Musical Theatre Bonus Videos
Realising the Performance - TIMELINES (7:13)
Realising the Performance - FRONT FOOT BACK FOOT (10:52)
Realising the Performance - ANSWERS ON A POSTCARD (10:18)
Realising the Performance - POSTCARDS MASTERCLASS (6:18)
Realising the Performance - POSTCARD APPLICATION (3:03)
Masterclass - Fallin' (15:11)
Q&A (9:07)
Best Practice Update
1 - Intro & Takeaways (6:29)
2a - Onsets and Offsets, Glottal (5:33)
2b - Onsets and Offsets, Breath (2:21)
2c - Onsets and Offsets, Gasp (3:05)
2d - Onsets and Offsets, Hover (6:39)
2e - Onsets and Offsets, Creak & Questions (12:13)
2f - Onsets and Offsets, Yodel Flip & Questions (9:48)
3a - Hallelujah Note Approaches, Onset up, Offset down & Questions (11:30)
3b - Hallelujah Note Approaches, Onset down, Offset up (2:30)
3c - Hallelujah Note Approaches, Glide (2:17)
4 - Applying Onsets and Offsets in a Song (5:10)
5a - Registers and Voice Quality, Intro (3:37)
5b - Registers and Voice Quality, M0-3 (5:07)
5c - Registers and Voice Quality, Head Register (1:10)
5d - Registers and Voice Quality, Registers & Questions (5:28)
5e - Registers and Voice Quality, Layers of the VF (6:58)
5f - Registers and Voice Quality, Tilt & Twang (1:45)
5g - Registers and Voice Quality, Phonation Modes (7:13)
5h - Registers and Voice Quality, God Help The Outcasts (8:27)
5i - Registers and Voice Quality, Shifting Between M&F (8:08)
5j - Registers and Voice Quality, Hallelujah Register Workshop (7:06)
6 - Managing Range & Questions (11:14)
7a - Comfort Zones, Intro & Listening Activity (4:53)
7b - Comfort Zones, Explanation & Questions (10:12)
7c - Comfort Zones, Stylistic Elements & Range (5:13)
7d - Comfort Zones, GK Findings (1:41)
7e - Comfort Zones, Practical Application (2:15)
8. Pitch Centres Workshop & Questions (17:33)
9 - Resonance, Understanding Resonance (7:05)
9b - Resonance, Resonating Spaces Explained (2:13)
9ci - Resonance, Resonating Spaces Demo, Or & Ee (3:31)
9cii - Resonance, Resonating Spaces Demo, Er & Eh (6:01)
9ciii - Resonance, Resonating Spaces Demo, Ar (5:13)
9d - Resonance, Twang (2:35)
10. VP Promo (2:20)
11a - Q&A, Soft Palate (9:57)
11b - Q&A, Closing Vocal Chords (2:14)
11c - Q&A, Larynx & Tongue Height (6:48)
11d - Q&A, Older Voices & Exercises (3:44)
CPD Certificate
My Singer Has A Voice Problem
1. Introduction (2:41)
2. Expectations from the Course (4:45)
3. Voice problems Overview (1:37)
4. Balance and Bernoulli (4:49)
5. Multifactorial problems (5:17)
6. Masking problems and the effects of Menopause (6:28)
7. How do we know there's a problem? (8:04)
8. Laryngeal pathology (2:34)
9. What is normal voice? (5:33)
10. What is abnormal voice? (6:21)
11. Voice disorders (4:02)
12. What can we do? (13:03)
13. Useful tools (9:00)
14. Approaching a problem (3:52)
15. Suggesting referral and personal differences (2:05)
16. Vocal tuition and tutors (6:12)
17. Endoscopy of healthy voice (2:53)
18. SOVT Presentation (15:25)
19. COVID advice (12:26)
20. Vocal health Q&A (3:49)
21. What is endoscopy? (6:20)
Resources and CPD Certificate
Lesson Plan: Breath Awareness
Breath Awareness for singers and speakers
Breath Awareness - Embedding your knowledge
Lesson Plan: Co-ordinating Breath and Tone
Co-ordinating Breath and Tone
Breath & Tone - Embedding your knowledge
Lesson Plan: Exploring Range
Exploring Range
Range - Embedding your knowledge
Lesson Plan: Taking Text Into Song
Taking Text Into Song
Text into song - Embedding your knowledge
Lesson Plan: Exploring 'Legit' singing
Exploring 'Legit' Ballad Singing
'Legit' singing - Embedding your knowledge
Vocal Process Song Databases
Searching for the best song - How to filter the Song Databases (22:35)
A Song For... (the general songlist)
Specialist Musical Theatre Female Songlist
Specialist Musical Theatre Male Songlist
Belting Explained!
Belting Explained 1 Belting warmup introduction (0:32)
Belting Explained 1 Individual warmup (7:19)
Belting Explained 1 Group belting warmup (13:33)
Belting Explained 1 The Vocal Folds (5:09)
Belting Explained 1 Height and Space (4:11)
Belting Explained 1 Chin up (0:57)
Belting Explained 1 Twanging (2:17)
Belting Explained 2 Introduction (0:48)
Belting Explained 2 Tongue (1:36)
Belting Explained 2 Its Your Call (3:04)
Belting Explained 2 Specific note (1:37)
Belting Explained 2 Next Steps (1:56)
Belting Explained 2 Voice-Body Connection (3:31)
Belting Explained 2 Your Jaw (1:46)
Belting Explained 2 Words words words (3:22)
Belting Explained 2 Motivation Commitment (0:54)
Belting Explained 2 Motivation Coaching session (4:13)
Belting Explained 2 The Big Six (0:50)
Belting Explained 2 Bonus Launch Note (6:13)
Belting Explained 2 Bonus Creak Cool (7:06)
The 5 Minute Vocal Warmup audio files
The 5 Minute Vocal Warmup Booklet Download
Core Skill One: Breathing
Core Skill Two: Opening your throat/Silent breathing
Core Skill Three: Jaw, Tongue and Lips
Core Skill Four: The Voice-Body Connection
The Complete 5 Minute Vocal Warmup
Bonus - The 10-Second Voice Check
Webinar 1 - How We Diagnose: Client Profile
How We Diagnose - Client Profile: Handout
1. Client Profile - Introduction (0:55)
2. Your Role as a Teacher (2:55)
3. Client Profile (1:34)
4. Voice Type Spoken (4:41)
5. Voice as Instrument (6:50)
6. Energy Type (8:22)
7. Processing Mode (7:38)
8. Age (13:11)
9. Level (5:37)
10. Belief About Singing (2:57)
11. Should You Demonstrate? (4:52)
12. Task (3:12)
13. Next Webinar (0:26)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 1 complete transcript
Webinar 2 - How We Diagnose: Vocal Technique
How We Diagnose - Vocal Technique: Handout
1. Vocal Technique - Introduction (0:57)
2. The 8 Categories (0:15)
3. Pitching (13:13)
4. Range (7:16)
5. Volume (4:07)
6. Voicing (8:56)
7. Breath and Support (10:55)
8. Balance of Effort (2:42)
9. Resonance (7:29)
10. Articulation (7:25)
11. Task! (0:57)
12. Coming Up (0:55)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 2 complete transcript
Webinar 3 - What's in a Warmup?
What's in a Warmup: Handout
1. Warmup - Introduction (3:29)
2. A Warmup is - (3:15)
3. 3 Types of Warmup (1:03)
4. What Am I Warming Up? (2:36)
5. Vibration (5:25)
6. Breath (6:31)
7. Breath Patterns (3:31)
8. Range (5:37)
9. Resonance (9:21)
10. Consonants (4:40)
11. Brain and Body (3:30)
12. Musical Shapes (5:26)
13. Case Histories (4:54)
14. Special Situations (7:50)
15. Warmup v Exercise (6:01)
16. Task! (2:38)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 3 complete transcript
Webinar 4 Find the YOU in every song
Finding the YOU in every song: Handout
1. Find the YOU - Introduction (1:44)
2. Singer AND Song (8:03)
3. Tools (1:36)
4. Your Reasons (4:44)
5. Listen! (10:15)
6. What Matters Most (2:03)
7. Story (5:49)
8. Vocal Quality (4:55)
9. Rhythm (3:37)
10. Emotion (4:42)
11. Play (6:09)
12. Landscape (5:05)
13. Task! (4:50)
Embedding your knowledge and CPD Certificate
Webinar 4 complete transcript
Webinar 5 Exams, Auditions and Competitions
Exams Auditions & Competitions: Handout
1. Exams Auditions Competitions - Introduction (0:59)
2. Concepts (0:32)
3. Polls (2:07)
4. What is it For? (4:00)
5. Your Issues (1:12)
6. What's the Judge's Task? (1:05)
7. What's Your Task? (3:31)
8. The Pianist! (6:56)
9. Setting Your Goals (12:04)
10. Carrying Your Space (8:08)
11. Answers on a Postcard (9:45)
12. The Cycle of Nerves (10:34)
13. Audition Countdown (0:41)
14. Task! (1:25)
15. Changing Your Style (1:28)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 6 Changing Your "Style" Without Losing Your Voice
Changing your style: Handout
1. Changing your style - Introduction (3:04)
2. What We're Covering (1:35)
3. Poll (A) (2:20)
4. Finding Your Default (2:36)
5. Tools (0:31)
6. Onsets and Offsets (1:16)
7. Glottal (2:31)
8. Breath (1:29)
9. Creak (2:20)
10. Yodel Flip (2:27)
11. Pitch Change (6:28)
12. Using Onsets Mid-word (2:31)
13. Poll (B) (1:06)
14. Style Analysis Celine (2:46)
15. Breath Use (0:49)
16. Style Analysis Josh (2:15)
17. Breath Exercise (1:45)
18. Line (1:06)
19. Style Analysis Luciano (1:02)
20. Cutting the Line (3:13)
21. Energy (6:42)
22. Style Analysis (3:42)
23. Task (1:49)
24. Bonus Articles (2:51)
25. Coming Up (3:03)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 7 Taking Chest Voice Higher
Taking Chest Voice Higher: Handout
1. Chest voice higher - Introduction (1:35)
2. What is it (2:48)
3. When is it Used (3:30)
4. A Word About ... (2:03)
5. Science Moment (6:19)
6. Strategies - Finding It. (12:21)
7. Strategies - Shaping It (13:10)
8. Strategies - Supporting It (5:29)
9. Strategies - Moving It (7:27)
10. Leck Tone Circle (13:43)
11. Demo (4:23)
12. Task! (4:52)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 8 - Taking Chest Voice Higher: Mixing
Chest Voice Mixing: Handout
1. Chest voice mixing - Introduction (1:02)
2. What We're Covering (0:57)
3. What We're Not Covering (0:58)
4. What is Mixing (3:29)
5. Voice Science Moment (5:07)
6. Strategies (1:42)
7. Changing Breath (5:07)
8. Changing Vocal Folds (6:03)
9. Changing Resonance - Jaw (9:56)
10. Changing Resonance - Tongue (6:45)
11. Changing Resonance - Soft Palate (5:33)
12. Combos! (4:55)
13. Hitting the High Notes (4:01)
14. Task! (5:39)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 9 - Taking Chest Voice Higher Q&A
Chest Voice Q&A: Handout
1. Chest voice Q&A - Introduction (1:03)
2. Review Webinars 7&8 (1:39)
3. Categories (1:48)
4. Cracking (10:17)
5. Men (10:50)
6. Children (7:32)
7. Students (6:46)
8. Speaking (8:15)
9. Transsexuals (4:18)
10. Mixes (2:13)
11. Styles (3:24)
12. Live Questions (10:32)
13. Task (2:31)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 10 - Maintaining a Healthy Speaking Voice
Healthy Speaking Voice: Handout
1. Healthy Speaking Voice - Introduction (1:25)
2. Professional Voice Users (1:27)
3. Polls (3:50)
4. Overview (4:40)
5. Core Skill 1 - Breath (5:17)
6. Core Skill 1 - How to (6:25)
7. Core Skill 2 - Open Throat (3:54)
8. Finding Your False Folds (4:00)
9. Core Skill 2 - How to (3:32)
10. Core Skill 3 - Articulation (5:19)
11. Core Skill 3 - How to (5:44)
12. Core Skill 4 - Body and Brain (1:02)
13. Core Skill 4 - Sitting (1:17)
14. Core Skill 4 - Head (2:57)
15. Core Skill 4 - Standing (1:07)
16. Core Skill 4 - Connecting (2:20)
17. Task! (3:50)
18. Coming up (1:29)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 11 - Pitch, Pace & Power
Pitch Pace and Power: Handout
1. Pitch pace power - Introduction (3:56)
2. Perfect Voice (4:05)
3. Key Element - Pitch (2:43)
4. Science Moment (3:39)
5. Find Your Resting Pitch (3:36)
6. Find Your Contours (2:02)
7. Pitch and Meaning (8:17)
8. Key Element - Pace (6:32)
9. Tuning in to Your Pace (9:16)
10. Key Element - Power (0:51)
11. Dynamic Awareness (5:10)
12. Changing Dynamics (8:42)
13. Q&A (7:25)
14. Task! (2:26)
15. Coming up (1:17)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 12 - Understanding Head Voice
Understanding Head Voice: Handout
1. Understanding head voice - Introduction (0:32)
2. Why This Webinar (4:05)
3. Confusion (5:30)
4. Vibration (16:46)
5. Finding it - Head Voice 1 (5:31)
6. Finding it - Head Voice 2 (14:01)
7. Breath Use (2:08)
8. Male and Female (1:38)
9. Transitions (11:34)
10. Task! (0:55)
11. Coming up (0:42)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 13 - Fine-tuning Head Voice
Fine-tuning Head Voice: Handout
1. Fine-tuning head voice - Introduction (1:57)
2. Science Moment (8:51)
3. Resonance (2:16)
4. Resonance 1 - Bigger Space (4:56)
5. Resonance 2 - Smaller Space (5:34)
6. Resonance 3 - Twang (4:50)
7. Resonance 4 - Breath (5:16)
8. Resonance Game (3:35)
9. Range (6:37)
10. Range Strategies (4:03)
11. What's the Mix (0:41)
12. Analysis - Filippa Giordano (2:05)
13. Analysis - Justin Timberlake (1:47)
14. Analysis - Joanna Ampil (1:19)
15. Analysis - John Owen Jones (4:09)
16. Task! (2:02)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 14 - Singing and the Actor Q&A
Singing and the Actor Q&A: Handout
1. Singing and the Actor - Introduction (1:23)
2. Gillyanne's Chapter Focus (4:00)
3. Chapter 1 - Making the Notes (4:04)
4. Chapter 2 - My Voice Won't Come Out (3:40)
5. Chapter 3 - I Shouldn't Feel Anything (5:40)
6. Chapter 4 - What is Support? (13:30)
7. Chapter 5 - Three Octave Siren (9:10)
8. Chapter 6 - The Nasal Port (6:18)
9. Chapter 7 - Dynamic Control (7:15)
10. Chapter 8 - Tuning the Oral Resonator (3:01)
11. Chapter 9 - Twang (6:42)
12. Chapter 10 - Putting it Together (9:01)
13. Chapter 11 - Singing the Text (0:35)
14. Chapter 12 - Creating Voice Qualities (10:24)
15. Chapter 13 and Other Stuff1 (4:02)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 15 - Successful Singing Auditions Q&A
Successful Singing Auditions Q&A: Handout
1. Successful Singing Auditions Q&A - Introduction (5:30)
2. Overview (1:36)
3. Song Analysis - Drama Style (2:39)
4. Song Analysis - Music Style (2:18)
5. Timelines (3:01)
6. Cuts (1:25)
7. Audition Analysis - Drama (4:14)
8. Audition Analysis - Music Style (6:38)
9. Songs - Anthem (7:00)
10. Songs - I'm Alive (6:37)
11. Songs - Breathe (10:39)
12. Songs - Defying Gravity (4:36)
13. Questions (13:30)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 16 - Troubleshooting Breathing
Troubleshooting Breathing: Handout
1. Troubleshooting Breathing - Introduction (2:01)
2. The Physiology of Breathing (4:56)
3. The Muscles of Breathing (4:51)
4. Different Techniques (8:41)
5. Breath use (4:53)
6. Timing (4:53)
7. Consonants (7:55)
8. Vocal Folds and Breath (9:30)
9. How Loud? (5:12)
10. Troubleshooting! (20:10)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 17 - Troubleshooting Range
Troubleshooting Range: Handout
1. Troubleshooting Range - Introduction (1:24)
2. Myth-Buster! (8:00)
3. What's your range? (6:33)
4. Case Histories (10:35)
5. What's the Science? (7:01)
6. Vibrating Mass & Length (2:23)
7. Adjusting Breath Pressure & Flow (2:11)
8. Resonating Space (4:49)
9. Physical Support (3:25)
10. Sound Expectation (1:18)
11. Adolescent Voice (5:51)
12. Contemporary high notes (4:38)
13. Low Notes (3:50)
14. High Notes (4:16)
15. In Summary (1:30)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Webinar 18 - Taking Vocal Technique Into Song
Vocal Technique Into Song: Handout
1. Vocal Technique into Song - Introduction (6:46)
2. Tessitura (4:00)
3. Spot the Pitch Centre (2:25)
4. Pitch Centre Exercises (12:58)
5. Breath Patterns (1:24)
6. Breath Exercises (15:27)
7. Singing Words (7:11)
8. Pitching the Consonant (2:25)
9. West End Case History (5:33)
10. More Case Histories (7:12)
11. Task! (1:48)
Embedding your knowledge & CPD Certificate
Voicebox Videos
Voicebox Videos: Handout
Looking At A Voice (2:35)
Constriction and Release (3:16)
Modal to Falsetto 1 (3:35)
Modal to Falsetto 2 - Breathy Speech (3:18)
Raising and Lowering the Larynx (2:24)
Working the Soft Palate (2:47)
Constriction & Release DVD
Constriction and Release DVD: Handout
1. Introduction (1:55)
2. Moving the False Vocal Folds (6:19)
3. Feeling Constriction (4:43)
4. What Do You Feel (3:08)
5. Using Auditory Monitoring (3:17)
6. Constricting Harder (4:26)
7. Bonus 1 Practice Session (5:54)
8. Bonus 1 Checking Where Constriction is Made (0:55)
9. Bonus 1 Voiced Constriction (1:48)
10. Bonus 1 End Point of Exercise Unvoiced (2:34)
11. Bonus 1 End Point of Exercise Voiced (0:58)
12. Bonus 1 Common Problem with Classically Trained Singers (2:04)
13. Bonus 2 Constriction and Release Endoscopy (3:14)
Nasality and the Soft Palate DVD
Nasality and the Soft Palate: Handout
1. Introduction (2:43)
2. What is Nasality (1:43)
3. Visual Aids (1:24)
4. Nasal Endoscopy (1:10)
5. Moving the Soft Palate (1:54)
6. The Three Second Nose Pinch Test (1:05)
7. Leaking Air Down Your Nose (2:56)
8. Dialects with Nasal Leakage (1:08)
9. Feeling the Change from the Inside (2:22)
10. Watchpoint (1:47)
11. Three Positions (3:40)
12. Nasality and Tuning (1:00)
13. Embedding the Exercise (1:18)
14. Variations of Opening (1:46)
15. Bonus 1 Controlling Nasality (1:09)
16. Bonus 1 Moving the Soft Palate (2:15)
17. Bonus 1 Opening and Closing (1:45)
18. Bonus 1 Half-Open Nasal Port 1 (2:00)
19. Bonus 1 Half-Open Nasal Port 2 (1:29)
20. Bonus 1 Half-Open to Closed Nasal Port (1:42)
21. Bonus 1 The Soft Palate and Diction (3:33)
22. Bonus 2 Working the Soft Palate (3:11)
Twang - The Techniques DVD
Twang - The Techniques: Handout
1. Introduction (1:19)
2. What is Twang (1:44)
3. When you use it (0:50)
4. The Science Behind the Sound (1:30)
5. Before We Start Twanging (4:02)
6. Finding your Twang (2:31)
7. Alternative Sound Cues (2:22)
8. Keeping Twang and Changing Pitch (2:41)
9. Keeping Twang and Changing Vowels (0:40)
10. Keeping Twang and Adding Words (1:21)
11. A Word About Nasality (1:14)
12. Bonus 1 The Practice Group (7:25)
13. Speaking with Twang (4:26)
14. Bonus 2 Finding Twang Introduction (0:38)
15. Bonus 2 Thin Folds (2:48)
16. Bonus 2 Tightening the Twanger (1:21)
17. Bonus 2 Twanging (1:03)
18. Bonus 2 Twanging With All Vowels (1:33)
19. Bonus 2 Nasal to Oral Twang (2:15)
20. Bonus 2 Steps to Twang (2:35)
The Singing and the Actor Audio Guide
Introduction and update
1 Retraction
2 Three positions of the false vocal folds
3 The glottal onset
4 The aspirate onset
5 The simultaneous onset
6 Moving from neutral to tilted thyroid
7 Tilting the cricoid
8 Changing vocal fold plane
9 The elastic recoil
10 Working the recoil with rhythm unvoiced
11 Working the recoil with rhythm voiced
12 Working to sustain
13 The siren
14 Octave sirens
15 From siren to vowel
16 Your song
17 Moving the soft palate
18 Opening and closing with all vowels
19 Half-open nasal port I
20 Half-open nasal port II
21 Half-open to closed nasal port
22 Thick folds
23 Thin folds
24 Raised vocal fold plane
25 Auditory monitoring for anchoring
26 Working the range
27 Medialising stage 1
28 Medialising stage 2
29 Medialising stage 2 - vowels
30 Twang - tightening the twanger
31 Twanging
32 Twanging with all vowels
33 Nasal to oral twang
34 Steps to speech quality
35 Steps to falsetto quality
36 Steps to cry quality
37 Steps to twang quality
38 Steps to belt quality
After Estill - Gillyanne's viral Keynote Speech
After Estill - the full video (67:22)
SOVT 1 Streaming Course with extra videos
SOVT Streaming Course - Promo (2:29)
What Is SOVT? (3:19)
No SOVT vs Some SOVT (2:39)
What Does SOVT Do? (15:49)
Baseline Test Exercises (12:08)
Active vs Passive SOVT (6:44)
Testing The Sound (2:08)
Straws > No Straw (5:07)
Water Or No Water? (13:22)
Straw Size Matters! (7:55)
Exploration Of Straw Configurations (Prep For Breakout Session) (4:03)
Breakout Session Practical (21:28)
Understanding What Pressure Drop Is (16:30)
Final Thoughts (3:08)
OUTRO (0:44)
SOVT Course Completion Certificate and Badge
SOVT 1 Bonus Videos
A Deeper Look at the Science (3:39)
Boyle and Co. (8:56)
Phonation Threshold Pressure (PTP) (7:26)
Aerodynamic-Myoelastic Theory (1:58)
A Deeper Look Into Why Straws > No Straw (6:47)
A Deeper Exploration of Back-Pressure (8:44)
A Deeper Exploration of Pure Straw Technique (5:37)
A Deeper Exploration of Water Bubbling Technique (2:44)
1 Introduction and flashcards (1:59)
2 Baseline exercise with piano (6:43)
3 Feedback on the baseline exercise (4:26)
4 What we are covering (1:35)
5 What are SOVT and PTP (4:20)
6 Finding your baseline (16:30)
7 How it might sound and feel (6:10)
8 Hone in on a configuration 1 (8:20)
9 Hone in on a configuration 2 (10:28)
10a Jeremy Breakout session 1 part 1 (12:28)
10b Jeremy Breakout session 1 part 2 (14:21)
11 Gillyanne Breakout session (36:14)
12 Feedback from Breakout 1 (6:02)
13 Jeremy Breakout session 2 (19:37)
14 Feedback from Breakout 2 and roundup (4:10)
SOVT 2 Course Completion Certificate and Badge
Practical Phonetics
1. Introduction (1:30)
2 First Look + Working With Language (8:27)
3. In Depth Look At Working with Language (10:13)
4. Phonemes (2:56)
5. Phonemes Example (3:09)
6. How Many Sounds? (3:19)
7. Vowels (6:55)
8. Vowels & Symbols (5:00)
9. Vowels & What We Hear - Ex1 (4:15)
10. Vowels & What We Hear - Ex2 (3:04)
11. Phonetic Placements (5:35)
12. What is Your Zone? (7:45)
13. Consonants (3:04)
14. Consonant Chart In Depth (22:04)
15. Consonants in Teaching (9:34)
16. Breakout 1 - Examples & Questions (13:42)
17. Breakout 2 - Examples & Questions (13:23)
18. Breakout 3 - Examples & Questions (22:40)
19. Feedback & Goodbye (7:39)
LLTP Jan25 5 CT TA and ligament
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