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12 Hours to Better Singing Teaching
Unit 1
Hello from Gillyanne and Jeremy (1:04)
Resources to download
1 Opening (3:06)
2 The four stages of competence (2:55)
3 Teaching is... (2:46)
4 Words we use (3:36)
5 What are exercises for - instructions (4:49)
6 What are exercises for? Breakout part 1 (8:38)
7 What are exercises for? Breakout part 2 (19:10)
8 How am I using this? (1:54)
9 What is breathing? (17:29)
10 Breath, and end of Day 1 (13:17)
Unit 2
1 What we're covering today (1:47)
2 Breath Management (4:08)
3 Mechanics of Breath Management (5:37)
4 Bernoulli and how it works in singing (8:50)
5 Skeleton and anatomy (10:02)
6 Ribs, Breathing and Pleural Linkage (8:34)
7 Visualizations - Rhythm patterns (9:17)
8 Muscles of the Abdomen (9:18)
9 What is phonation (9:50)
10 How vocal folds make pitch (9:14)
11 Four patterns of vocal fold vibration (14:42)
12 Singing in M1 or M2 (20:31)
Unit 3
1 Analysing M1 M2 Victoria Clark (13:30)
2 Layers of the vocal folds (9:46)
3 Layers of the vocal folds pt 2 and mixing (6:06)
4 Vocal fold layers and elastic bands (2:56)
5 What is resonance (10:37)
6 The jaw and jaw tension (12:21)
7 How useful is a wider jaw? (11:52)
8 Breakout 1 with Jeremy on Jaw (19:25)
9 Breakout 2 with Anne on Jaw (11:29)
10 The soft palate (21:25)
Unit 4
1 What exactly is nasality (6:02)
2 Finding nasality (3:15)
3 Nasal consonants, nasal vowels and straw work (14:33)
4 Nasality using Consonants (8:09)
5 Seeing inside the voice with MRI (10:04)
6 The Tongue Olympics (9:48)
7 Mapping your tongue positions with MRI and exercises (10:47)
8 Finding your own vowels with the vowel chart (9:25)
9 Vowels versus consonants (7:08)
10 Finding and working your plosives (9:15)
11 Finding and working your fricatives (8:50)
12 Finding and replacing the false vowels (6:45)
13 Finding and working your nasals (2:48)
14 Finding and classifying consonants with Anne pt 1 (13:45)
15 Finding and classifying consonants with Anne pt 2 (13:30)
16 Day 4 Roundup (1:42)
Unit 5
1 Opening and the Core Elements of Music and Voice (3:43)
2 Singing teaching is... (8:52)
3 Lesson structure (6:36)
4 How many targets? (6:15)
5 They've got it, what happens next? (6:38)
6 Should you demonstrate? (6:27)
7 Albert and the brain dump (10:58)
8 Sorting the Albert brain dump (8:26)
9 Hannah and the brain dump (13:04)
10 What would you do with Hannah? (3:22)
11 Breakout session with Jeremy - Finding out what Albert does (5:02)
12 Breakout session with Jeremy - M1 higher in male voice (7:28)
13 Breakout session with Jeremy - M1 higher in female voice (10:34)
14 Rounding up and next steps (6:44)
15 Congratulations from Gillyanne and Jeremy (1:39)
Webinar 1 - How We Diagnose: Client Profile
How We Diagnose: Client Profile - Handout
1 Client Profile - Introduction (0:55)
2 Your Role as a Teacher (2:55)
3 Client Profile (1:34)
4 Voice Type Spoken (4:41)
5 Voice as Instrument (6:51)
6 Energy Type (8:22)
7 Processing Mode (7:38)
8 Age (13:11)
9 Level (5:37)
10 Belief About Singing (2:58)
11 Should You Demonstrate? (4:52)
12 Task (3:12)
13 Next Webinar (0:26)
Client Profile - Embedding your knowledge
Congratulations on completing Webinar 1
Webinar 2 - How We Diagnose: Vocal Technique
How We Diagnose: Vocal Technique - Handout
1. Vocal Technique - Introduction (0:57)
2. The 8 Categories (0:15)
3. Pitching (13:13)
4. Range (7:17)
5. Volume (4:07)
6. Voicing (8:56)
7. Breath and Support (10:55)
8. Balance of Effort (2:42)
9. Resonance (7:29)
10. Articulation (7:25)
11. Task (0:57)
12. Coming Up (0:55)
Vocal Technique - Embedding your knowledge
Congratulations on completing Webinar 2
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A February 2025
1 M1 M2 and how we pitch (10:23)
2 Balancing CT and TA to change pitch (6:01)
3 Mythbusting range in M1 and M2 (14:41)
4 Helping the ageing voice (16:03)
5 Finding lighter head voice at F5 (5:50)
6 Tips for working with choirs (2:31)
Learning Lounge & Teacher pathway Q&A November 2024
SOVT liplines, Bringing vocal folds together, different voice weights, back pressure in M2 and more (50:38)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway October 2024
Q&A on moving between M1 and M2, resonance, vowels and the retroflex R (50:50)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A September 2024
Resources (3:43)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway FULL Video (59:56)
Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A July 2024
LLTPJuly24 Vowel modification (14:50)
LLTPJuly24 Advice for a better M1 mix G4-D5 (10:51)
LLTPJuly24 Sliding to a note versus note in context (20:27)
LLTPJuly24 Singing sharp when engaged (14:08)
Teacher Pathway and Learning Lounge Q&A May 2024
1 Your starter for 10 (3:18)
2 What differentiates genres (10:30)
3 Tongue positions in different languages (6:47)
4 Do you like the genre (5:50)
5 Working with fusion styles (5:02)
6 What to listen for in a new genre (2:38)
7 Working with jazz (6:48)
8 Improvisation lego blocks and cadenzas (3:27)
9 Wrapup and resources to watch (3:29)
Teacher Pathway Live Seminar March 2024
TPS Mar24 1 How much breath do you need (7:53)
TPS Mar24 2 Timing and backphrasing (6:26)
TPS Mar24 3 Defining Legit (2:34)
TPS Mar24 4 Phrasing and rhythm (1:56)
TPS Mar24 6 Student breathiness volume and airspeed (10:38)
TPS Mar24 5 What else impacts on breathing patterns (8:48)
TPS Mar24 7 Rebalancing glottals (3:32)
TPS Mar24 8 Breathiness Billie Eilish and airspeed (10:07)
Teacher Pathway Live Seminar February 2024
TP 0224 1 What is an exercise (2:37)
TP 0224 2 Analysing Gillyanne exercise (6:38)
TP 0224 3 Analysing Joanna Droopy Face exercise (2:25)
TP 0224 4 Analysing the MeMeyMaMoMu exercise (13:38)
TP 0224 5 Analysing the NG siren (15:38)
TP 0224 6 Katie using stretch bands for register changes (8:36)
TP 0224 7 Working with people in wheelchairs (9:43)
4 Bernoulli and how it works in singing
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