Teaching across ages and stages of vocal development
Teaching across music genres
Teaching different resonances for different styles
Understanding the root of vocal problems

PLUS Gillyanne and Jeremy in action in a live masterclass

What you will discover

Unit 1 - Teaching singers of all ages, practical tools to deal with adolescent stages of change, supporting the elderly voice

Unit 2 - More than just sound! Analysing different music genres with examples, discovering vocal style features in context

Unit 3 - Resonance explained. Finding different resonating shapes, working vowels, and the real power of vowel tuning

Unit 4 - Identifying voice problems - an overview of vocal habilitation with real case histories from Gillyanne

Unit 5 - Watch Gillyanne and Jeremy teach live masterclasses, then discuss why they chose particular instructions & exercises


“A truly valuable chance to learn our craft as singing teachers with like-minded and supportive colleagues in a completely safe environment.”


"Transformative, fundamental, invaluable, an absolute must for any teacher who is really looking to offer a high level of vocal and technical training.

So empowering"


“I am hearing voices differently; I am hearing things that I didn’t even realise you could hear. A community of people, who celebrate in each other’s successes, who share revelations and grow together.”

What is included?

NEW! We're including live check-ins with the course leaders

Over 60 targeted teaching videos (from 3 minutes to 22 minutes)

Every video is subtitled for easy understanding

Every video is available as a transcript

Multiple course resources including articles on working with the adolescent voice

Singer lifespan - hormones, development and ageing

Breathing life into a song, with industry examples

Harmonics, vowels and resonance shaping for singers

Access is included to our two hour-long CPD Webinars on How We Diagnose
(Webinar 4 - Finding the YOU in every song, and Webinar 18 - Taking Vocal Technique Into Song)

Content and images from our #1 bestsellers "This Is A Voice" and "Singing and the Actor"

Revealing videos taken using endoscopy, plus genuine case histories of singers going through vocal difficulty

Exclusive "live" fly-on-the-wall videos of Jeremy ad Gillyanne using their methodology

Examples of industry performances for analysis

Cutting edge information and insights into M1 and M2 vocal fold vibration with industry examples

A minimum of 12 hours of CPD Certificates included at no extra cost

Example Curriculum

  Unit 1 - LifeCycle of the Voice
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 2 - More Than Just Sound
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 3 - Resonance
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 4 - My Singer Has A Voice Problem
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Unit 5 - Masterclass with Gillyanne and Jeremy
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Webinar 4 Finding the YOU in every song
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Webinar 18 - Taking Vocal Technique Into Song
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Learning Lounge & Teacher Pathway Q&A July 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Learning Lounge Q&A May 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Teacher Pathway Live Seminar March 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Teacher Pathway Live Seminar February 2024
Available in days
days after you enroll

Choose a Pricing Option

Who we are

We are Dr Gillyanne Kayes (singing voice specialist) and Jeremy Fisher (vocal & performance coach).

We're both avid tea drinkers (Gillyanne loves builder's tea and first flush Darjeeling, Jeremy's a black-tea-no-sugar Ceylon drinker, but his favourite tea-du-jour is Royal Blend from Fortnum & Mason in London.

We've co-taught for more than 25 years all over the world.

We've written 10 books on vocal technique,
including five Amazon #1 bestsellers.

We've been creating vocal training resources since 2004, including courses, DVDs, CDs, ebooks, the Build Your Own Larynx template and most recently the amazing online Learning Lounge with over 600 voice training resources.

We love helping people find and share their truth as teachers and performers.
